Tom the Mailman

Tom the Mail Man Is Your Next Favorite Artist

When discovering artists I usually ask “what gives them the X factor?”. I try and ask myself do they sound like someone currently in the industry and if they do-which is often- what makes me want to listen to them over another more popular artist? And the answer for Tom is very simple. Maybe it’s less of an explanation and more of a feeling, but he is just different.

I’ve been following Tom since early 2020 when his latest project back then was Sunset Visionary, Vol. 1. He gained a ton of notoriety with his songs “Come Over” and “Traveling Alone”. Both massed millions of streams and stand as of this article at 13 and 16 million respectively on Spotify. All the songs on the EP were these slow touching songs that he really dug deep on and got vulnerable. He wasn’t so much rapping as singing and I really connected with Tom’s ability to put things I was feeling into words, and in a way that was also very sonically pleasing to listen to. Looking back on it, if you take a minute to go listen to the EP you can really see how far he was beyond his years, making music that some people can’t even dream to achieve in their life-time.

It’s hard to tell sometimes if an artist is going to be a one-hit-wonder, drop a great song and disappear, but the year after in 2021 when Tom the Mailman released Sometimes Sorry Isn’t Enough is when I knew this dude was going to be huge and here to stay. The project was 12 songs and showcased his entire ability (or so I thought at the time). If you listen to “Taking Over” you’d think he was a rapper. If you listen to “Sober” you’d think he’s a pop artist. By the time you get to “Last Night” at the end you aren’t sure exactly which he is but that’s the genius of his music. I’m not just talking about the different genres he’s capable of mastering, but his voice and cadence are different from anyone I’ve ever seen including every underground or mainstream artist you can think of. His vocals are raspy, which yes we have seen but we’ve never heard it in this way. He sounds just as amazing rapping as he does singing in songs like “Brown Eyes and Backwoods”.

In 2022 he dropped Sunset Visionary 2 and remember when I said I thought Sometimes Sorry Isn’t Enough showcased his full ability? Yeah this is where I discovered I was wrong. The album leans toward a full pop/alternative rock album & consists of 12 tracks that go through a variety of emotions and all sorts of tempos. The guitar loops that he uses on most of these songs give him the ability to be creative on the track and experiment in all sorts of ways. ‘Brown Eyes and Backwoods’ , ‘Homie’, ’Trouble’, and ‘Holdin On’ are all perfect examples of his ability to sing in a multitude of ways. Even though he is singing beautiful vocals over each track, they’re all special in their own way and never feel repetitive. I think a lot of people can probably resonate with the themes of love Tom touches on in this project, and that’s why it was one of my most listened to albums of the year even in 2023. The music is timeless and can always be pulled out when you feel like you are going through something and need someone to relate to.

Tom is set to drop a new single on Thursday and based on the snippets he’s been teasing all over his socials, we can expect another hit to add to our playlists. If you haven’t tapped into his music I suggest you go listen to everything from the beginning, and am confident you’ll find a gem that speaks to you in your own way. There is no doubt in my mind that this guy will be the next big thing headlining festivals and selling-out arenas before we know it. Keep an eye out for the Tom the Mailman interview coming soon on our YouTube Channel!

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